Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions


The material displayed on the PowerMaintenance website is copyright protected. It is for personal use only and not be used, copied, reproduced, published, or transferred without prior written approval from PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd.

Material displayed on the powermaintenance.com.au website is not to be reproduced or used in other publications, websites or otherwise distributed for commercial purposes without prior written approval as above. Unless written permission is provided by the PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd.

User Management

Users of powermaintenance.com.au website agree as a condition of use that they will not use the website or related websites, publication or communication for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by terms and conditions or notices appearing anywhere on the website.

Users agree to abide by all applicable laws and regulations.

Users agree not to:

  1. Use the PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd website and related information to defame, stalk, threaten or otherwise offend others
  2. Publish, email, transmit or disseminate any related material which is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, indecent, offensive or inappropriate
  3. Impersonate any person or entity
  4. Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any  powermaintenance.com.au material without the right to make it available
  5. Breach any applicable laws and regulations
  6. To advertise false and misleading content

PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd retains the right at all times to monitor, retain and disclose any information as necessary to its channel partners for the purpose of contracting the client to quote them for a service / plan to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

User will indemnify powermaintenance.com.au against any loss or damage or any costs incurred in connection with any breach of these conditions or any other legal obligation by users or their use of or conduct on powermaintenance.com.au website, including but not limited to related websites, blogs, emails, mobile apps, social media networks or other digital tools.

Third party advertising links:

These websites, mobile apps and other digital tools do not form part of the powermaintenance.com.au website and are not under the control of powermaintenance.com.aupowermaintenance.com.au does not have any responsibility for the contents of any such hyper link or linked website, app or tool. If users link to any such websites, apps or other digital tools they leave the powermaintenance.com.au website and do so entirely at their own risk.

PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd displays third party energy products by our channel partners in the National Electricity Markets Australia., We may have channel partners or may or may not contain hyper links or referral buttons to our website from other channel partners, mobile apps or other digital tools operated by third parties. The display of such ads does not in any way imply a recommendation or endorsement by PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd of the relevant advertiser, its products or services or any such linked website, app or tool. Energy retailers can suddenly change a product at little or no notice or without warning. PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd does not take any responsibility of a third party or energy channel change in product. PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd or its channel partner will however look at a fair outcome for the consumer.

If users contact a third party using functionality provided by PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd, including via e-mail or social media, PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility for any actions taken (or not taken) by that third party in response to communication from a user or for any transactions entered into between a user and the relevant third party.

Legal Disclaimer

Those using the website powermaintenance.com.au (or any related communications, including but not limited to any related websites, linked or third-party websites, blogs, email newsletters, mobile apps, social media networks, other digital tools, hardcopy brochures and correspondence) are required to rely upon their own enquiries and seek relevant professional advice when purchasing a product, plan though this service.

PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd and its directors, officers and agents believe that all information contained within this internet web site and any related communications (including but not limited to any related or linked sites, blogs, email newsletters, mobile apps, social media networks, other digital tools, hardcopy brochures and correspondence) is correct. However, no warranty is made as to the accuracy or reliability of the information contained herein as we rely in good faith on information provided by other.

PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage which may be suffered by any recipient through relying on anything contained in or omitted from the internet site at powermaintenance.com.au or any related communications.

PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd only offer plans from our panel of providers. Our providers may have cheaper products available and you always have the option to contact the provider directly. PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd recommend you check and confirm provider products before accepting our offer.

Letter of Authority and Access to Usage and Metering Data

The Letter of Authority is valid for 12 months from the date of signing. If an Electricity or Gas contract agreement is negotiated and accepted within 12 months of signing the Letter of Authority through our group of companies (PowerMaintenanceElectricityBrokersLPGBrokersGasBrokers); access to required Usage and Metering data is granted until the expiry of the negotiated contract.

Contact information: Complaints

If you have issues to raise, PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd can be contacted by email at complaints@powermaintenance.com.au.


  1. [Background] These Client Acknowledgements relate to your engagement of
    PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd ABN 88 160 605 756 (“PowerMaintenance”) to act on your behalf
    with respect to energy retailers (“the Services”).
  2. [Acceptance] By ticking the box in clause 1.4 of the Letter of Authority or the box below (or
    both), you confirm that you have read and understood, and you accept, the Terms and
    Conditions and these Client Acknowledgements, and agree to form a binding contractual
    agreement between you and PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd.
  3. [Acknowledgements] By accepting these Client Acknowledgements:
    1. [provide information] you undertake to provide PowerMaintenance with all information that may be necessary in order for PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd to provide the
      Services, including any additional information which may be requested by
      PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd from time to time, and you represent and warrant that all such
      information is accurate, comprehensive and not misleading;
    2. [reliance on information] you acknowledge and agree that any information you
      provide to PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd will be relied on by PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd to perform the
      Services, and such information will inform the recommendations that
      PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd makes and the actions that PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd takes; and
    3. [other brokers] you represent and warrant that you are not dealing with any other
      relevant broker in relation to the same or similar Services, and that if you are dealing
      or do deal with any other broker such dealings will not limit or otherwise affect your
      obligations to PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd.
  4. [Release from claims] You hereby release and indemnify PowerMaintenance Pty Ltd from any and all
    claims arising in connection with the Services, including but not limited to claims relating to
    contracts with other brokers including termination of those contracts, your energy
    consumption, load variance or price drops in commodity markets, and all losses, costs,
    expenses, fees, charges or other liabilities that may be incurred in connection with the
  5. [Jurisdiction] These Client Acknowledgements are to be interpreted in accordance with the
    laws of Victoria and are intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of
  6. [Severability] The provisions of these Client Acknowledgements are severable so that if any
    provision is held to be invalid the remainder will remain in full force and effect.
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